Wireframes + User Flow
National Treasure 3
Mobile Game Design
A group of 10 designs students including myself got the chance to join a Computer Science class where they were tasked with creating a functioning mobile game. My team decided to make a game is called National Treasure 3, based off the movie National Treasure. I right away started designing the wireframes along with some first drafts for the character and item designs.
The characters are based off of characters in the movies. Since I had very little experience with illustrating, I wanted to keep the character designs pretty simple and I am very happy about how they came out. For color, my team and I decided on a gold-ish yellow to match the treasure hunting theme of the movie. This was such a great opportunity to work with a team, especially with a team of non-designers.
Final Layout
After a few weeks discussing with my team, I started making the final layout and implementing my character and item illustrations along with the color palette we had chosen. I mainly used Adobe XD for the wireframes along with Adobe illustrator for the illustrations I had created.
Final Designs + Mockup
I then did some final tweaks to the character designs and then designed individual buttons for each of them including the items. Finally, I created a mockup featuring 7 screens to showcase what it would look like on a real phone.